INF: Distributing the C Run Time in a DLL

ID Number: Q81845

5.10 6.00 6.00a



It is legal to distribute the C run time in a DLL just as you would

distribute any other DLL created with the Microsoft C Professional

Development System (PDS). In the documentation for C version 5.1, this

DLL is named CRTLIB.DLL and is built from CRTDLL.OBJ. In C versions

6.0 and 6.0a, this DLL is named CEXAMPLE.DLL and is built from


More Information:

A DLL is an executable binary and is therefore covered under the

licensing agreement which states the following: have a royalty-free right to reproduce and distribute

executable files created using the SOFTWARE.

The agreement does not cover shipping CRTDLL.OBJ or CRTLIB.OBJ.

It is recommended that you rename the DLL to avoid conflicts with

existing versions of the DLL that the user might have. To reduce the

size of the DLL, include only the required routines.

Additional reference words: 5.10 6.00 6.00a