How to Specify Paths in Inference Rules in NMAKE

ID Number: Q44131

1.00 | 1.10



How to I specify paths in inference rules?


Note: For a complete description of this feature, see QuickC Version 2.00

Toolkit, Section 7.3.3. One of the most powerful new features of

NMAKE is that it allows paths to be specified in an inference rule.

The syntax of an inference rule without paths is as follows:


This syntax is somewhat limited, however, because both the "fromfile"

and the "tofile" are evaluated as if they existed in the current

directory. With NMAKE, a path specifier may be added to an inference

rule by doing the following:


Note: If you use a path on one element of the inference rule, you must

use it on both. For instance, if you want to compare any .c file in

the current directory with its .obj file in my object directory, the

inference rule would look like the following:


cl /c $<;

Note that the fromext (.c) has to be preceded with a path. In the case

of the current directory, the ".", or current directory works nicely.

When NMAKE encounters a descriptor block that has no commands

following, it will look for an inference rule that matches the

descriptor block. When checking for matching, NMAKE expects that the

base name of both the target and the dependents be the same. Also, the

paths must match exactly. In other words, the following descriptor

line would not use the inference rule just defined because the paths

do not match on the .obj file:

test.obj : test.c

In this case, the predefined inference rule for .c.obj: would be

invoked. To invoke the inference rule just defined, the descriptor

line would be as follows:

c:\objects\test.obj : test.c