C 6.00 Utility Support for OS/2 Long Filenames

ID Number: Q58487




The utilities shipped for Microsoft C version 6.00 provide limited

support for OS/2 long filenames introduced in OS/2 version 1.20.

More Information:

The following is a list of the limitations:

1. Long filenames with quotation marks are supported via the command

line. For example:

"fooo bar"

2. Embedded quoted long filenames on the command line are not

supported. For example:

d:\foo\" bar xyzzy"

3. Link supports one quoted long filename per argument. For example

"foo bar"+"bar foo"

will resemble the following:

"foo bar+bar foo"

4. NMAKE provides long filename support inside the makefile with the

restriction (beyond 1 and 2 above) that target and dependent names

cannot have a period (.) as the first character (conflicts with

inference rules). For example:

".foo bar.c".".foo bar.exe"