Multiple Targets in NMAKE Do Not Work

ID Number: Q44757



buglist2.00 docerr


Multiple targets in the QuickC Version 2.00 NMAKE utility do not work

properly. The example on the top of Page 167 of the "Microsoft QuickC

Tool Kit" manual shows that each target listed before the dependencies

should be evaluated; however, only the first target is evaluated, and

the others are ignored. Make files that are simplified even more

respond the same way.

More Information:

The following make file demonstrates the problem:

target1.exe target2.exe: depend1.obj depend2.obj

echo $@

For the make file to work properly, change the file to the


BUILD: target1.exe target2.exe

target1.exe: depend1.obj depend2.obj

echo $@

target2.exe: depend1.obj depend2.obj

echo $@

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in QuickC Version 2.00.

We are researching this problem and will post new information as it

becomes available.