Explanation of Why NMAKE May Not Produce .OBJ and .EXE Files

ID Number: Q49502

1.00 1.10 1.11 | 1.00 1.11



When using the NMAKE utility, no warnings occur and the compiler

appears to execute properly; however, the .OBJ and .EXE files are not


If I use the MAKE utility on the same .MAK file, I get the following

two warnings:

warning U4000: Target does not exist.

warning U4001: Dependent does not exist; Target not built.

The first warning message is a standard warning that I would expect.

Why is there a second and why aren't the .OBJ and .EXE files created?


Remove unexpected trailing characters from the .MAK file.

This problem can occur because extra characters occur at the end of a

line within the .MAK file. Common mistakes such as placing a trailing

semicolon in the CL compile line or in the dependency line can cause

this behavior. This applies to any unexpected characters, not just


The following example demonstrates the problem:

file.obj: file.c <ENTER>

CL /c /Lp file.c; <-- Semicolon CANNOT be used with the CL command.

file.exe: file.obj <ENTER>

LINK file; <-- OK, Semicolon CAN be used with the LINK command.

Removing the semicolon at the end of the CL line eliminates the
