RTF Codes \fi<n> and \li<n> Use Twips Instead of Spaces

ID Number: Q68694

1.06 | 1.06




The Rich Text Format codes \fi<n> and \li<n> used for creating help

files are incorrectly described in the online help. The online help

states that the code \fi<n> indents the first line of the paragraph

<n> spaces, and the code \li<n> indents the entire paragraph <n>

spaces from the left margin.

However, the value of <n> is the number of twips and not the number of

spaces. A twip is 1/20 of a point or 1/1440 of an inch; 180 twips

approximates one space (that is, \li720 will indent the entire

paragraph four spaces).

More Information:

Page 4 of the "Professional Advisor Library Reference" describes the

RTF codes \fi and \li but does not mention the <n> parameter to indent

the paragraphs.

Page 155 of the "Microsoft C Advanced Programming Techniques" manual

describes the correct syntax for the RTF codes but does not mention the

format for <n>.