"A4100: Impure Memory Reference" Incorrectly Generated

ID Number: Q59567

5.00 5.10 5.10a | 5.00 5.10 5.10a




The /P option tells MASM to generate warning messages if data is

stored in the code segment when privileged instructions are in use.

Writing data to the code segment is acceptable in real mode; however,

it may cause problems in protected mode. If MASM is invoked with the

/P option and finds an impure memory reference, such as in the

following code


c_word DW ?



mov cs:c_word,data

it will generate a warning similar to the following:

filename.asm(???): warning A4100: Impure memory reference

MASM may incorrectly generate the warning message. The following

example demonstrates this problem:

.model small



mov al,cs:[bp]

mul word ptr cs:[bp+2]


MASM incorrectly flags the line that does the multiplication. MASM

also incorrectly generates the A4100 warning message if the .286,

.386, and .386p directives are in effect.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Version 5.10. We are

researching this problem and will post new information here as it

becomes available.