ID Number: Q59585
5.10 5.10a | 5.10 5.10a
buglist5.10 fixlist5.10a
On Page Update-42 of the "Microsoft Macro Assembler for MS OS/2 and
MS-DOS Operating Systems Version 5.1 Update" manual, it states that
you can use the LOCAL directive with a structure. When this is done,
you may receive the following errors:
A2003 Unknown Type Specifier
A2010 Syntax Error
The following code demonstrates this problem:
.model small,c
.stack 100h
parms struc
p1 dw ?
p2 dw ?
parms ends
call test_func
test_func proc
LOCAL stuff:parms ;A2003 Unknown type specifier
mov ax,0ffffh
mov stuff.p1,ax ;A2010 Syntax error
mov stuff.p2,ax ;A2010 Syntax error
test_func endp
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in MASM version 5.1. This
problem has been corrected in MASM version 5.1a.
To avoid the A2003 Unknown type specifier error, include the PTR
keyword in the LOCAL directive. For example:
LOCAL stuff:ptr parms
To avoid the A2010 Syntax error, use the MASM 5.1a update assembler.
To obtain MASM5.10A, contact Microsoft Product Support at (206)
Additional reference words: 5.10 5.10a