CV9110002: CodeView Under OS/2, Expanding Negative Subscripts

ID Number: Q77483







When running protected-mode CodeView version 3.12 on a program

compiled with Microsoft FORTRAN version 5.1, the values of an

expanded array indexed with negative subscripts may not be

displayed. Instead, when attempting to expand the array in the

Local window, Watch, or Quick Watch window, question marks or

incorrect results may be displayed in place of the value of the

array element.

If the array being indexed with negative subscripts is of type

CHARACTER, any negative subscripted element of the array may be

displayed as blanks, whether the element is part of an array being

expanded or is being examined individually.

These problems are not present with CodeView version 3.14 and

Microsoft FORTRAN 5.1 under MS-DOS.


To view the contents of array elements other than CHARACTER arrays

that are indexed by negative subscripts, set an explicit watch for

the desired array element.

To set an explicit watch, choose Add Watch from the Watch menu, or

use the following instruction in the Command Line window:

001> W? RealArray(-1)

Use the following to set a Quick Watch:

001> ?? RealArray(-1)

RealArray is the name of the array to be watched during program

execution, and -1 is an example subscript.

CHARACTER arrays indexed with negative subscripts cannot be

displayed in CodeView for OS/2.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft CodeView

version 3.12 for OS/2. We are researching this problem and will

post more information here as it becomes available.

More Information:

Sample Code


C Compile options needed: none

CHARACTER*7 CharArray(-2:2)

CHARACTER*10 CharArray2 (0:10)

REAL*4 RealArray(-5:5)

C Structure definition, note that the element i has 9 indices

C going from -4 to 4, including 0.


INTEGER i(-4:4)


RECORD /Test/ RecVar

C Initialization of ALL the subscripts in the arrays.

! What CodeView displays:

CharArray = 'FORTRAN' ! Elements -1 and -2 are blank.

CharArray2 = 'Microsoft' ! This array is viewable.

RealArray = 3.14159267 ! Elements -5 through -1

! contain incorrect values.

RecVar.i = 12 ! Elements -4 through -1

! contain zeros.

C Printing out the variables shows that they do contain the expected

C values.

PRINT *, RecVar.i

PRINT *, CharArray2

PRINT *, CharArray

PRINT *, RealArray


Additional reference words: h_fortran 5.10