MASM 5.10 Setup Shows Blank Display on LCD/Monochrome Monitor

ID Number: Q60307

5.10 | 5.10



When running the RUNME setup program for Microsoft Macro Assembler

Version 5.10, the setup program changes the screen colors. On LCD

displays and some monochrome displays, the colors that the setup

program changes to are not visible. Therefore, when the setup program

is run, you can't see anything on the screen. The program is running

properly, but the text color is the same as the background color.

On the MS OS/2 and MS-DOS Macro Assemblers setup disk, there is a file

that holds all of the commands that the setup program RUNME uses. The

file is called SETUP.SUS and the first line in that file is as


CLS a: 30 "MicrosoftÒ MASM 5.10 Setup"

To have the setup program use the standard colors of the operating

system, remove the "a: 30" from the file and rerun RUNME. This will

correct the problem.

The new line should be as follows:

CLS "MicrosoftÒ MASM 5.10 Setup"