How to Make a VB Text Box Control with a Password (*) Style

ID Number: Q71457




In the password style for a control, all characters display as an

asterisk (*) as they are typed into the control. Microsoft Visual

Basic does not have any intrinsic function for creating an edit

control with the password style. You can add the password style to a

Visual Basic text box control by using several Windows API function


This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic Programming System

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

Adding the password style to a text box control can be performed by

calling several Windows API function calls. These functions are

GetFocus, GetWindowLong, SetWindowLong, and SendMessage.

The function GetFocus requires no parameters. This function returns an

integer value that represents the handle to the control. Use GetFocus

to get a handle to the control that currently has the focus.

hWd% = GetFocus()

After you have received the handle to the text box control, you can

call GetWindowLong to retrieve the style flags for the control by

using the second parameter of GWL_STYLE. Once you have the style

flags, you can use the bit-wise OR operation to set the ES_PASSWORD


StyleFlags& = GetWindowLong (hWd%, GWL_STYLE)

StyleFlags& = StyleFlags& OR ES_PASSWORD

After adding the password style to the existing style for the control,

you can call SetWindowLong to change the style associated to the

control. You would call SendMessage with the message parameter of

ES_SETPASSWORDCHAR to inform the control what character is to be used

as the password mask; the default character is an asterisk (*).

StyleFlags& = SetWindowLong (hWd%, GWL_STYLE, StyleFlags&)

PasswordMask% = Asc("*")

SendMessage (hWd%, ES_SETPASSWORDCHAR, PasswordMask%, 0&)

To create a text box with the password style within Visual Basic,

create a text box with the name Text1 on Form1.

Declare the following Windows API functions and CONST variables in the

Global section of your code:

Declare Function GetFocus Lib "User" () As Integer

Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "User" (ByVal hWd%, ByVal nIndex%)

As Long

Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "User" (ByVal hWd%, ByVal nIndex%,

ByVal dwNewLong&) As Long

Declare Function SendMessage Lib "User" (ByVal hWd%, ByVal wMsg%,

ByVal wParam%, ByVal lParam&) As Long

Global Const WM_USER = &H400


Global Const ES_PASSWORD = &H20

Global Const GWL_STYLE = -16

Note: Each Declare statement above must be written on just one line.

Include the following code in the (general) section of the Form1


Sub Make_Password_Control (Flag As Integer, PasswordMask As Integer)

Dim hWd As Integer ' Window Handle for the control

Dim StyleFlags As Long ' Window Style for the control

If Not Flag Then

' The control should have a STATIC flag to minimize the

' execution of the code. We don't want to perform this code

' all the time, just once.

Flag = Not Flag

hWd = GetFocus()

StyleFlags = GetWindowLong(hWd, GWL_STYLE)

StyleFlags = StyleFlags Or ES_PASSWORD

StyleFlags = SetWindowLong(hWd, GWL_STYLE, StyleFlags)

StyleFlags = SendMessage(hWd, EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, PasswordMask, 0&)

End If

End Sub

Include the following code in the Text1_GotFocus event in the Form1


Sub Text1_GotFocus ()

Static Already_Password As Integer

Make_Password_Control Already_Password, Asc("*")

End Sub


1. "Programming Windows: the Microsoft Guide to Writing Applications

for Windows 3," by Charles Petzold (published by Microsoft

Press, 1990).

2. "Microsoft Windows 3.0 Software Development Kit: Reference Volume 1."

3. The WINSDK.HLP file shipped with Microsoft Windows 3.0 Software

Development Kit.