INF: Installing the Device Development Kit

ID Number: Q77552




The information in this article is a supplement to the instructions

outlined in Chapter 5 of the "Microsoft Windows Device Development Kit

Installation and Update Guide."

Use the following seven steps to install the Windows Device

Development Kit (DDK):

1. Verify that the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) is


The SDK must be installed and its directory added to the MS-DOS

PATH environment variable before the DDK can be properly installed

and expanded. This is true because the batch files discussed in

Chapter 5.2 of the installation and update guide, "Expand the

Compressed Files to Their Normal Size," require the EXPAND.EXE

file, which is part of the SDK.

2. Determine which drivers are required (see Chapters 6 and 7 of the

installation and update guide). Locate the drivers on the source

disks. Note that several driver directory trees span multiple


To simplify development, place all desired driver directories under

a main DDK directory and all virtual devices under a VXD directory.

This will clarify which driver source trees have been loaded and

which have not.

To conserve space, copy from the disks only those drivers related

to the project at hand. The total space required for the entire set

of drivers is approximately 35 megabytes (MB) and the space

required for the entire set of virtual devices is approximately 6

MB. Copying only the drivers required can considerably lower the

space required.

Follow the three steps below to create the directories:

a. Make the root of the drive that will receive the DDK the active


b. Use MKDIR to create a DDK directory.

c. Use MKDIR to create a VXD directory.

3. Use XCOPY as directed in Section 5.1 of the installation and update

guide to copy the desired directories from disk.

The following line will copy one disk to the DDK directory on drive


XCOPY /S /V /E A:\*.* D:\DDK

4. Place the following files into a directory that is contained in the

MS-DOS PATH environment variable:





5. Use the TREEEXP.BAT file to expand the DDK and VXD directories. DO


recursively expands files in the subdirectories. The expansion

process is quite lengthy. When the entire DDK is expanded,

expansion may require several hours to complete.

Follow the four steps below to expand the files:

a. CD \DDK


c. CD \VXD


6. The following files are only required during the unpacking process.

They may be safely removed from the hard disk (NOT the source

disks) at this point.





7. Modify the LIB environment variable to list the directory

containing DDK library files (by default \DDK\LIB) first, followed

by the directory containing SDK library files (by default

\WINDEV\LIB) and other libraries.

More Information:

The table below lists the directories created for device drivers and

virtual devices, the number of files in each directory, and the total

amount of space required for each directory. This information is

useful to verify that all required files have been copied and

successfully expanded.

Used Allocated Files Directory

---- --------- ----- ---------

11332 49152 5 \ddk

217065 278528 13 \ddk\comm

153667 319488 28 \ddk\display\1plane

426597 483328 13 \ddk\display\1plane\bitblt

144458 278528 21 \ddk\display\1plane\bltincs

65357 139264 13 \ddk\display\1plane\bw

694575 901120 39 \ddk\display\1plane\bw\cgaherc

32186 81920 8 \ddk\display\1plane\bw\cgaherc\cga

31487 73728 7 \ddk\display\1plane\bw\cgaherc\compaq

43238 106496 11 \ddk\display\1plane\bw\cgaherc\herc

673441 876544 44 \ddk\display\1plane\bw\ega

31956 73728 7 \ddk\display\1plane\bw\ega\egahibw

35898 73728 7 \ddk\display\1plane\bw\ega\egamono

31076 73728 7 \ddk\display\1plane\bw\ega\mcga

60976 73728 2 \ddk\display\1plane\logo

28137 507904 62 \ddk\display\1plane\rc-high

22889 483328 59 \ddk\display\1plane\rc-low

28288 499712 61 \ddk\display\1plane\rc-med

160521 311296 26 \ddk\display\4plane

437164 491520 13 \ddk\display\4plane\bitblt

110675 196608 15 \ddk\display\4plane\color

1307015 1613824 61 \ddk\display\4plane\color\ega

49798 90112 7 \ddk\display\4plane\color\ega\egahires

48588 90112 7 \ddk\display\4plane\color\ega\vga

46030 475136 56 \ddk\display\4plane\rc-high

25566 417792 51 \ddk\display\4plane\rc-med

9988 16384 1 \ddk\display\8plane\8514

30015 425984 52 \ddk\display\8plane\8514\resource

1352865 1810432 100 \ddk\display\8plane\8514\source

1619664 2179072 112 \ddk\display\8plane\v7

0 0 0 \ddk\display\8plane\v7\res

26591 425984 52 \ddk\display\8plane\v7\res\96x96

486 24576 3 \ddk\fonts

235 8192 1 \ddk\fonts\fixed

22675 114688 12 \ddk\fonts\fixed\8514

7820 131072 16 \ddk\fonts\fixed\cga

8275 131072 16 \ddk\fonts\fixed\ega

33907 303104 37 \ddk\fonts\fixed\vga

215 8192 1 \ddk\fonts\system

8769 49152 5 \ddk\fonts\system\8514

3641 40960 5 \ddk\fonts\system\cga

4753 40960 5 \ddk\fonts\system\ega

5885 40960 5 \ddk\fonts\system\vga

73506 196608 22 \ddk\grabbers

25529 73728 9 \ddk\grabbers\cgaherc

7327 24576 3 \ddk\grabbers\cgaherc\cga

10564 32768 3 \ddk\grabbers\cgaherc\hercules

45710 122880 15 \ddk\grabbers\ega

4882 24576 3 \ddk\grabbers\ega\egacolor

4347 24576 3 \ddk\grabbers\ega\egamono

114627 204800 21 \ddk\grabbers\vga

7686 24576 3 \ddk\grabbers\vga\vgacolor

7056 24576 3 \ddk\grabbers\vga\vgamono

71401 90112 7 \ddk\include

408303 581632 34 \ddk\keyboard

925589 1335296 69 \ddk\keyboard\tables

176205 278528 17 \ddk\keyboard\tables\mt

67584 81920 4 \ddk\lib

478384 524288 8 \ddk\lib\c51

132769 196608 12 \ddk\mouse

115545 245760 24 \ddk\net

3335 32768 4 \ddk\printers\finstall

60098 253952 30 \ddk\printers\finstall\ink

63029 204800 21 \ddk\printers\finstall\rc

503363 655360 33 \ddk\printers\finstall\src

28667 65536 5 \ddk\printers\hppcl

362209 548864 34 \ddk\printers\hppcl\fnt

110341 319488 34 \ddk\printers\hppcl\ink

139143 1433600 171 \ddk\printers\hppcl\rc

185969 196608 6 \ddk\printers\hppcl\rc\intl

362889 581632 42 \ddk\printers\hppcl\rc\pcm

554998 786432 45 \ddk\printers\hppcl\src

493534 999424 88 \ddk\printers\pscript

1563377 1933312 126 \ddk\printers\pscript\res

41130 65536 6 \ddk\printers\pscript\resource

196764 319488 25 \ddk\printers\pscript\utils

64292 106496 8 \ddk\printers\raster

723693 892928 34 \ddk\printers\raster\color

52873 155648 18 \ddk\printers\raster\color\ibmcolor

165056 360448 36 \ddk\printers\raster\epson

322389 335872 2 \ddk\setup

73053 114688 8 \ddk\sound

119596 122880 2 \ddk\tests\dta

867340 1212416 51 \ddk\tests\hct

2463 24576 3 \ddk\tests\ite

187728 229376 8 \ddk\tests\ite\bin

129337 327680 37 \ddk\tests\ite\disptest

43939 49152 2 \ddk\tests\ite\docs

195399 344064 27 \ddk\tests\ite\isg_test

168984 368640 33 \ddk\tests\ite\prnttest

169723 385024 35 \ddk\tests\ite\prnttest\frame

76912 163840 17 \ddk\tests\nettest

1491680 1613824 32 \ddk\tests\print\basic

6912 16384 2 \ddk\tests\print\fonts

342240 434176 21 \ddk\tests\print\qad

220944 245760 6 \ddk\tools

20824177 34799616 2378 Total

Used Allocated Files Directory

---- --------- ----- ---------

390 32768 4 \vxd

21261 57344 5 \vxd\biosxlat

35031 73728 6 \vxd\combuff

8672 40960 5 \vxd\ebios

966100 1179648 41 \vxd\grabbers

237528 458752 37 \vxd\include

40151 90112 7 \vxd\ldosnet

58225 229376 28 \vxd\oemfonts

93373 147456 8 \vxd\pageswap

379967 401408 5 \vxd\tools

944924 950272 2 \vxd\tools\debug

22692 24576 1 \vxd\tools\nodebug

120456 172032 10 \vxd\vcd

218686 303104 15 \vxd\vddcga

520580 647168 26 \vxd\vddega

176464 253952 14 \vxd\vddherc

196240 245760 11 \vxd\vdmad

10656 49152 6 \vxd\vfd

18821 57344 6 \vxd\vhd

223854 270336 11 \vxd\vkd

44127 90112 7 \vxd\vmd

86222 131072 9 \vxd\vnetbios

57518 90112 5 \vxd\vpd

4481938 5996544 269 Total

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