Declare Currency Type to Be Double When Returning from DLL

ID Number: Q72274




When using Visual Basic, if you want to pass a parameter to a DLL

routine, or receive a function return value of type Currency from a

DLL routine written in Microsoft C, the parameter or function returned

should be declared as a "double" in the C routine.

Note that C does not support the Basic Currency data type, and

although specifying the parameter as type "double" in C will allow it

to be passed correctly, you will have to write your own C routines to

manipulate the data in the Currency variable. For information on the

internal format of the Currency data type, query using the following


Basic and Currency and internal and format

This information applies to the Microsoft Visual Basic programming

system version 1.00 for Windows.

More Information:

When creating a DLL function that either receives or returns a

Currency data type, it may be useful to include the following


typedef double currency;

Based on this typedef, a sample DLL routine to return a currency value

might be declared as follows:

currency FAR pascal foo(...);