VB Debug.Print in MouseMove Event Causes MouseMove Event

ID Number: Q72679




Debug.Print used within the MouseMove event procedure of a form or

control causes a MouseMove event. If the mouse cursor is located

within the form or control, an endless stream of output to the

Immediate Window will occur. This behavior occurs for a program run in

the Visual Basic development environment. An .EXE program does not

utilize the Immediate Window and the Debug object so this behavior

does not apply to a .EXE program. The problem does not occur if a

Print method is issued to any other form or control in the program.

This is not a problem with Visual Basic, but rather the nature of the

Microsoft Windows operating environment.

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.00 for Windows.

More Information:

If Debug.Print is used within the MouseMove event procedure of a form

or control, an endless stream of output is sent to the Immediate

Window. This occurs whenever the mouse cursor is within the form or

control. This behavior occurs because the Debug.Print statement causes

the focus to change briefly to the Immediate Window. When the focus

returns to the form or control, Windows generates a MouseMove event

that is processed by Visual Basic. There is no way for Visual Basic to

suppress MouseMove events that are generated by Windows. The easiest

way to overcome this behavior is to send debug output to another form

or control.

To duplicate this behavior, create a picture control (Picture1) within

the default form (Form1). Add the following code segment to the

MouseMove event procedure of Picture1:

Sub Picture1_MouseMove (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,

X As Single, Y As Single)

' You must write the above Sub statement on just one line.

Static i%

i% = i% + 1

Debug.Print i%

End Sub

If you want output to be sent only when the mouse is moved, then all

Debug.Print statements within the MouseMove event procedure should be

changed to Print methods to other forms or controls. Below is a

description of how to modify the example above such that output is

produced only when the mouse is moved.

Add another form (Form2) to the project by selecting New Form from the

File menu (ALT F+F). Change the Debug.Print statement in the MouseMove

event procedure for Picture1 to Form2.Print. Below is a copy of the

above sample modified to send output to another form.

Sub Picture1_MouseMove (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,

X As Single, Y As Single)

' You must write the above Sub statement on just one line.

Static i%

i% = i% + 1

Form2.Print i%

End Sub

In the example above, all output that scrolls off the form will be

lost. A more sophisticated routine will be required to keep track of

all output to the form. Such a routine is beyond the scope of this
