MASM Err Msg: Unable to Open Input File: options.asm

ID Number: Q67758

5.10 | 5.10



The MASM fatal error "Unable to open input file: options.ASM" occurs

when the MASM environment variable "MASM" is set to "options". After

the variable has been set to "options", it needs to be cleared. This

can be done as follows:

SET MASM=<ret>

More Information:

When the Runme program is executed to install MASM, it tells you

to set your AUTOEXEC.BAT file as follows:

MOUSE (load mouse driver if you have a mouse)

SET PATH=d:\masm... (directory containing MASM and utilities)

SET INCLUDE=d:\masm...(directory containing include files)

SET LIB=d:\masm.... (directory containing library and object files)

SET MASM=options (standard assembly options)

SET LINK=options (standard link options)

SET TMP=tempDir (LINK work directory - use RAM disk if available)

People often set their AUTOEXEC.BAT files literally as the Runme program
