Wrong Default Path After Drive Error, VB Open/Add File Dialog

ID Number: Q72878





When you choose the Open Project or Add File option from the File menu

in the VB.EXE environment, and you get an error accessing a disk

drive, Visual Basic incorrectly stays logged onto the failed drive

path (even though the previous path is displayed), unless you

explicitly change the drive. (This behavior differs from the Open

command from the File menu in standard Windows applications, such as

Microsoft Word for Windows and Microsoft Excel for Windows.)

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Visual Basic

programming system version 1.0 for Windows. Microsoft is researching

this problem and will post new information here as it becomes


To work around this problem, just change to a valid drive by typing a

path preceded by a valid drive letter, or by selecting a valid drive

letter with the mouse.

More Information:

To duplicate this problem, follow these steps:

1. Start Visual Basic (such as from the C:\VB\ subdirectory for the

following example).

2. From the File menu, choose Open Project or Add File. (The Open

Project or Add File dialog box lets you search for and select the

file you want.)

3. Make sure drive A is empty and open.

4. Select [-a-] from the dialog box. A message box will correctly

appear with the error message "Path Not Found:'' ". (What appears

to be one double quotation mark is really two single quotation

marks with nothing between them.)

5. Choose the OK button. Note that the current path, such as C:\VB

(displayed above the Directories box), is correctly shown to be the

same as before drive A was selected. The Files and Directories

boxes also correctly show the same files as before drive A was

selected. (So far, this behavior is the same as for the files

dialog box in standard Windows applications.)

6. Erase the information in the File Name field, and type the



7. Choose the OK button.

8. The problem is that Visual Basic now incorrectly gives you the

"Path Not Found:'' " error message, which demonstrates that the

actual current drive fails to match the displayed path (C:\VB), and

Visual Basic is incorrectly attempting to access drive A again.

This behavior differs from standard Windows applications, such as

Microsoft Word for Windows and Excel for Windows, which don't give

an error at this point, and instead correctly show all (*.*) files

in the path (C:\VB) displayed in the dialog box.

To work around this problem, just change to a valid drive by typing

a path preceded by a valid drive letter, such as C:\VB\*.*, or by

selecting a valid drive letter, such as [-c-] with the mouse.