PRB: Multiple Device Drivers in a Single File Do Not Load

ID Number: Q29284

3.x 4.00 4.00a 4.01 4.01a 5.00




In MS-DOS versions 3.3 and later, multiple device drivers cannot be

integrated (contained) in a single file.


When a device driver is loaded, its INIT routine is called. This

INIT routine must return the new pointer to the available free

memory (past the end of the driver).

In MS-DOS 3.3, a feature was added so that if the break address

returned by the driver is the same as the break address entered

before the driver's INIT was called (that is, the driver is not

allocating any memory), the driver is aborted. As a result, it is

not added to the device driver chain.

This feature allows drivers to intentionally abort themselves if,

for example, some hardware cannot be initialized. However, this can

lead to problems if you have more than one device driver in a

single file, because when doing this, it is common practice to share

a lot of code and data. As a consequence, the INIT functions for

the different drivers will often return the same break address.

After the first driver is initialized, the break address it returns

is recorded as the new system break address. Then, the subsequent

drivers return the same break address when they are initialized.

This invokes the special case outlined above: the system thinks the

driver wants itself to be aborted. As a result, the driver is

removed from the chain.


For MS-DOS versions 3.3 and later, the code that checks the break

address returned by the driver only compares the segment part of

the address to the previous segment. It also compares the offset

part to zero (0). Thus, if the break address returned by the driver

does not have an offset of zero, the driver will not be aborted

under any circumstance.

Additional reference words: 3.x 4.00 4.00a 4.01 4.01a 5.00