Rename FCB Incorrect in Norton Book

ID Number: Q32055

3.2x 3.30x




In the Microsoft Press book, "The Peter Norton Programmer's Guide

to the IBM PC", Page 281 of the "Function 23 (Hex 17): Rename File"

section incorrectly states that the new filename to be used in the FCB

begins at Offset 16.

In this FCB structure, the old filename ends at Offset 11 and a

5-byte reserved area precedes the new filename, which causes the new

filename to begin at Offset 17.

The Rename FCB structure for Interrupt 21H, Function 17H should

look like the following:

offset meaning size

-------- ------------------ -----

00 (00H) Drive number 01

01 (01H) Old file name 08

09 (09H) Old file extension 03

12 (0CH) Reserved 05

17 (11H) New file Name 08

25 (19H) New file extension 03

28 (1CH) Reserved 15