13.2 Module Statements

A module-definition file contains one or more “module statements.” Each module statement defines an attribute of the executable file, such as its name, the attributes of program segments, and the number and names of exported and imported functions and data. Table 13.1 summarizes the purpose of the module statements and shows the order in which they are discussed in this chapter.

Table 13.1 Module Statements

Statement Purpose

NAME Names the application (no library created)
LIBRARY Names the DLL (no application created)
DESCRIPTION Embeds text in the application or DLL
STUB Adds a DOS executable file to the beginning of the file
EXETYPE Identifies the target operating system
PROTMODE Specifies a protected-mode application or DLL
REALMODE Supported for compatibility
STACKSIZE Sets stack size in bytes
HEAPSIZE Sets local heap size in bytes
CODE Sets default attributes for all code segments
DATA Sets default attributes for all data segments
SEGMENTS Sets attributes for specific segments
OLD Preserves ordinals from a previous DLL
EXPORTS Defines exported functions
IMPORTS Defines imported functions