14.3.2 Macro Responses

Some PWB functions ask you for confirmation. For example, the meta exit (quit without saving) function normally asks if you really want to exit. Such questions always take the answer “yes” (Y) or “no” (N).

When you invoke such a function in a macro, the function assumes an answer of yes and does not ask for confirmation. For example, the macro definition

quit:=meta exit


Summary: The meta prefix modifies the action of a function.

invokes meta exit when you press ALT+X. Because the meta exit function is invoked from a macro, PWB exits without asking for confirmation.

The following operators allow you to restore normal prompting or change the default responses:

Operator Description

< Asks for confirmation; if not followed by another < operator, prompts for all further questions
<y Assumes a response of “yes”
<n Assumes a response of “no”

quit:=meta exit <


Now the macro prompts for a response before it exits.