Supplying SETUP Information

The SETUP screens following the Main Menu request information about your operating system, hardware configuration, and directory paths. After you have answered all the questions, SETUP begins transferring files to your hard disk.

Most questions (such as which operating system you're working under or whether you use a mouse) have a limited number of specific responses. These are listed in a box, with the default response highlighted. The following sections provide information about individual SETUP questions.

If you want to accept the default response, press ENTER. If not, use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys to select a different response; then press ENTER. In either case, pressing ENTER advances you to the next screen.

The remaining questions prompt you for the directories in which the assembler, linker, debugger, include files, and other files are to be placed. SETUP suggests a default path, which you can accept by pressing ENTER.

If you don't want to use the default directory, use the BACKSPACE key to erase it; then type in the directory you want. (You can also change the hard-disk specification if you want to install MASM 6.0's components on different drives.) Press ENTER to accept the directory and advance to the next screen.

If you specify a directory that does not exist, SETUP automatically creates it for you. Therefore, be careful to enter the correct directory name.