Package Contents

Check your MASM package to see if everything is there. If any pieces are missing, contact the retailer from whom you purchased the package.

In the package, you should find the following items:

Registration card. There are many advantages to being a registered owner of MASM 6.0, including notification of future releases and easier access to customer assistance. Please take the time to fill out and mail the registration card now. (If you are already a registered owner of an earlier version of MASM, a registration card is not included with the update.)

Disks. The distribution disk labeled “Setup” contains the PACKING.LST file, which lists the location and description of all disk files in the MASM package. Disk files are compressed; the SETUP program decompresses them as they are installed.

Installing and Using the Professional Development System. The book you're reading. It explains how to install and start to use the Professional Development System.

Programmer's Guide. This book describes MASM features and explains how they work. It also shows how to write optimal MASM code.

Reference. This book describes assembler directives, operators, and instructions, including timing and encoding data.

Product Assistance Request. If you need to contact Microsoft Product Support, be sure to fill out this questionnaire (which is bound into the Programmer's Guide) before calling.

Documentation Feedback Card. To help Microsoft improve its documentation, this postage-paid survey mailer is included in the Programmer's Guide. Please take the time to fill out the card with any comments or suggestions.