Hyperlinks are cross-references that connect related topic information. Hyperlinks can be marked explicitly, or they can be implicit.
Hyperlinks marked with the < and > characters are called “buttons.” You can move through the online reference system using these buttons. Press TAB to move the cursor to the next hyperlink button within the current Help window. SHIFT+TAB moves the cursor back to the previous button. Typing any letter moves the cursor to the next button that begins with the letter. Holding SHIFT down and typing a letter moves the cursor backward.
The Microsoft Advisor also recognizes MASM keywords, constants defined by MASM, and similar identifiers as hyperlinks, but they are unmarked. These unmarked hyperlinks are recognized wherever they appear in the help text or in your source code. You cannot move to an unmarked hyperlink with the TAB key.
You can access a hyperlink from the keyboard or with the mouse by doing one of the following:
Move the text cursor to the hyperlink and press F1
Position the mouse cursor over the hyperlink; then click the right mouse button or double-click the left mouse button
You can also execute highlighted button hyperlinks by pressing ENTER or the SPACEBAR.
Any of these actions displays information about the topic the cursor is positioned on. If the topic isn't a hyperlink, a message informs you that no information on the topic could be found.
CodeView uses the right mouse button differently in the Source window. Clicking the right button in the Source window executes the program to the line the mouse was clicked on. However, once the Help window is displayed, clicking the right mouse button selects hyperlinks.