Edit Menu

Undo Reverses the effect of your recent edits
  Redo Reverses the effect of the last Undo command
  Repeat Repeats your last edit
  Cut Deletes a selected block of text from the active window and copies it to the clipboard
  Paste Inserts a selected block of text from the clipboard into the active window
  Clear Deletes selected text without copying it to the clipboard
  Set Anchor Saves the current cursor position as a reference point for text selection
  Select to Anchor Highlights text from the previously set anchor to the current cursor position
  Box Mode Toggles text selection mode between box, line, and stream modes
  Read Only Makes all files read-only (to protect from accidental modification)
  Set Record Defines a macro name and its shortcut key
  Record On Records keystrokes for a macro
  Edit Macro Edits a recorded macro