The /D option decodes a help database into QuickHelp files. HELPMAKE also accepts other options to control decoding. The decoding options are listed below:
/D[[c]] |
Decodes the input file into its original text or component parts. If a destination file is not specified with the /O option, the help file is decoded to the standard output device. The form of decoding is controlled by the form of /D[[c]] specified: |
Form |
Effect |
/D |
Fully decodes the help database, leaving all cross-references and formatting information intact. |
/DS |
Splits a concatenated help database into its components using their original names. If the database was not created by concatenation, HELPMAKE copies it to a file with its original name. The database is not decompressed. |
/DU |
Decompresses the database and removes all screen formatting and cross-references. The output can be used later for input and recompression, but all screen formatting and cross-references are lost. |
Suppresses the HELPMAKE copyright message. |
/O[[outfile]] |
Specifies outfile for the decoded output from HELPMAKE. If outfile is omitted, the help database is decoded to the standard output device. HELPMAKE always decodes help database files into QuickHelp format. |
/T |
Translates dot commands from internal format into dot-command format. You must always supply this option when decoding a help database that contains dot commands other than .context and .comment. |
/V[[n]] |
Controls verbosity of diagnostic and informational output. Larger values of n add more information. Omitting n produces a full listing. The values of n are listed below: |
Option |
Output |
/V |
Maximum diagnostic output |
/V0 |
No diagnostic output and no banner |
/V1 |
HELPMAKE banner only |
/V2 |
Pass names |
/V3 |
Contexts on first pass |