12.4.2 Specifying Input in a Response File

You can supply input to LINK in a response file. A response file is a text file containing the input LINK expects on the command line or in response to prompts. Response files can be used to hold frequently used options or responses, or to overcome the 128-character limit on the length of a DOS command line. Usage

Specify the name of the response file in place of the expected command-line input or in response to a prompt. Precede the name with an at sign (@), as in @responsefile. You must specify an extension if the response file has one; there is no default extension. You can specify a path with the filename.

You can specify a response file in any field (either on the command line or when responding to prompts) to supply input for one or more consecutive fields or all remaining fields. Note that LINK assumes nothing about the contents of the response file; LINK simply reads the fields from the file and applies them, in order, to the fields for which it has no input. LINK ignores any fields in the response file or on the command line after the five expected fields are satisfied or a semicolon (;) appears.


The following command invokes LINK and supplies all input in a response file, except the last input field:

LINK @input.txt, mydefs Contents of the Response File

Each input field must appear on a separate line or be separated from other fields on the same line by a comma. You can extend a field to the following line by adding a plus sign (+) at the end of the current line. A blank field can be represented by either a blank line or a comma.

Options can be entered anywhere in any field, before the semicolon if specified.

If a response file does not specify all the fields, LINK prompts you for the rest. Use a semicolon (;) to suppress prompting and accept the default responses for all remaining fields.







If the response file above is named FUN.LNK, the command


causes LINK to

Link the four object files FUN.OBJ, TEXT.OBJ, TABLE.OBJ, and CARE.OBJ into an executable file named FUN.EXE.

Include public symbols and addresses in the map file.

Make the name of the map file FUNLIST.MAP.

Link any needed routines from the library file GRAF.LIB.

Assume no module-definition file.