3.4 Related Topics in Online Help

In addition to information covered in this chapter, information on the following topics can be found in online help.

Topics Access

LROFFSET, THIS From the “MASM 6.0 Contents” screen, choose “Operators”; then choose “Address”
LFS, LGS, and LSS From the “MASM 6.0 Contents” screen, choose “Processor Instructions”; then choose “Data Transfer”
ALIGN, EVEN, ORG From the “MASM 6.0 Contents” screen, choose “Directives”; then choose “Miscellaneous”
NEAR, NEAR16, NEAR32, FAR16, FAR32, and TYPE From the “MASM 6.0 Contents” screen, choose “Operators”; then choose “Type and Size”
PTR From the “MASM 6.0 Contents” screen, choose “Operators”; then choose “Miscellaneous”
PUSHCONTEXT and POPCONTEXT Access from the Macro Assembler Index
ASSUME, .MODEL From the “MASM 6.0 Contents” screen, choose “Directives”; then choose “Simplified Segment Control”
@DataSize, @Model From the “MASM 6.0 Contents” screen, choose “Predefined Symbols”