The /PAUSE option pauses the session before LINK writes the executable file or DLL to disk. This option is supplied for compatibility with machines that have two floppy drives but no hard disk. It allows you to swap floppy disks before LINK writes the executable file.
If you specify the /PAUSE option, LINK displays the following message before it creates the main output:
About to generate .EXE file
Change diskette in drive letter and press <ENTER>
The letter is the current drive. LINK resumes processing when you press ENTER.
Do not remove a disk that contains either the map file or the temporary file. If LINK creates a temporary file on the disk you plan to remove, terminate the LINK session and rearrange your files so that the temporary file is on a disk that does not need to be removed. For more information on how LINK determines where to put the temporary file, see Section 12.9, “LINK Temporary Files.”