12.8.2 Frame Number

LINK computes a starting address for each segment in a program. The starting address is based on a segment's alignment and the sizes of the segments already copied to the executable file. The address consists of an offset and a “canonical frame number.” The canonical frame number specifies the address of the first paragraph in memory containing one or more bytes of the segment. (A paragraph is 16 bytes of memory; therefore, to compute a physical location in memory, multiply the frame number by 16 and add the offset.) The offset is the number of bytes from the start of the paragraph to the first byte in the segment. For BYTE, WORD, and DWORD alignments, the offset may be nonzero. The offset is always zero for PARA and PAGE alignments. (An offset of zero means that the physical location is an exact multiple of 16.)

The frame number of a segment can be obtained from the map file created by LINK. The first four digits of the start address give the frame number in hexadecimal. For example, a start address of 0C0A6 gives a frame number of 0C0A.