Nonwrapping Text

Authors can format text so that it does not wrap if the user resizes the Viewer window displaying the text. This feature is useful for displaying information, such as tables, in which the columns must line up regardless of the window size.

In the Title

Nonwrapping text appears the same as normal text, except that it does not wrap when the Viewer window is resized.

In the Topic File

Nonwrapping text looks the same as ordinary text in topic files. It is formatted using the Format Paragraph command with the Keep Together option.

RTF Format

\pard\plain \keep format-codes nonwrapping-text



RTF codes for character formatting in the nonwrapping text.


Nonwrapping text, which can include encoding for the Viewer features such as footnotes, hot spots, bitmap references, and embedded-windows.


The following example makes the paragraph beginning “Coal-rich Eastern Kentucky...” nonwrapping text so that it does not wrap if the user resizes the Viewer window:

\par \pard\plain \keep Coal-rich Eastern Kentucky...