

BOOL mmpGetFileInfo(lpszFileName, lpInfo)

This function returns information about a movie file on disk.


LPSTR lpszFileName

Specifies the name or file handle of an RMMP-format movie file.

To specify a movie filename, pass a far pointer to a character buffer containing the DOS filename of the movie file.

To specify a file handle, set the high-order word to zero and set the low-order word to the file handle of an open file. If you specify a file handle, the file pointer must point to the beginning of the RMMP chunk (at the first byte of the “RIFF” chunk ID).


Points to an MMPMOVIEINFO structure to be filled with information about the specified movie file.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.


The dwInitialFramesPerSecond field of the MMPMOVIEINFO structure is set to zero.

See Also

mmpGetInfo, mmpGetMovieInfo