Experimenting with Command Strings

The sample application MCITEST provides a simple way to experiment with the MCI commands and devices compatible with MCI. MCITEST uses the command-string interface of MCI. When you run MCITEST, it displays the following dialog box:

To try an MCI command, enter the command string in the large edit box. MCITEST sends the string directly to the MCI command-string interface when you press RETURN. Any MCI response to the command is displayed in the control labeled “MCI Output.” Any errors returned by MCI appear in the control labeled “Error.”

The “Routines” options select the function used to send the command strings to MCI.

The GO! button sequentially sends all commands in the edit box to the MCI command-string interface. You can have MCITEST execute the entire command list multiple times by specifying a number in the “Runcount” entry field.

The STEP button sends the selected MCI command, then moves the cursor bar to the next command. The EXIT button ends MCITEST.

MCI sets the indicators in the “Notification” box in response to the notify flag.

The File menu displays a menu for saving and recalling the contents of the edit box. The Edit menu displays a menu for editing the contents of the edit box. The Device! menu displays a list box of open device instances.