The Multimedia Movie File Format (RMMP) contains animation data for the Multimedia Movie Player. Movie files can be authored on the Macintosh using MacroMind Director, a multimedia authoring tool. A Multimedia Movie Convertor utility, which runs on the Macintosh, can convert the Director file to RMMP format. After the converted file is transferred to the PC, it can be played using the Movie Player. RMMP files generally have an .MMM filename extension.
The movie file format was developed over time by MacroMind, Inc. and does not necessarily represent an ideal file format for the generalized storage of animation data. Rather than attempt to develop such a format, Microsoft chose to support MacroMind Director, a stable, established authoring tool, as the animation authoring tool for the Multimedia Extensions. Vendors wishing to provide multimedia Windows playback capabilities for their own animation authoring tools should create their own Windows playback engine.
This section provides an overview to the movie file format, but it does not attempt to fully explain every data structure. This documentation is not intended to facilitate the creation of utilities for converting other animation file formats to Movie File format; it describes only the basic structure and contents of the movie file. Refer to Inside Macintosh for information on the Macintosh data structures used in movie files.