The files produced by Director are stored in PICS format and can't be played directly by Windows with Multimedia. You must first convert the movie file to a MS-DOS file usable by Windows with Multimedia.
The Multimedia Movie Convertor, located on the Macintosh disk included in your MDK package, is a Macintosh utility that converts MacroMind Director movie files to the Multimedia Movie File format. To install the Movie Convertor, just copy it from the Macintosh disk to any folder on your Macintosh (for example, the folder in which MacroMind Director is installed). The Movie Convertor uses an interface similar to Apple File Exchange and supports single or batch conversions.
The Movie Convertor converts all elements of the Director movie file. By default, Multimedia Movie files are assigned filename extension .MMM. The convertor will suggest an MS-DOS compatible filename for the movies, which you may modify. After converting the movie file, you'll need to transfer the Movie Player version to the PC.
·To convert a MacroMind Director file:
1.Start the Movie Convertor.
2.To select the folder containing the MacroMind Director files you want to convert, choose the Select Folder button under the Source Folder box and select the source folder.
3.To select the destination folder for the converted files, choose the Select Folder button under the Destination Folder box and select the destination folder.
4.In the Source Folder box, select one or more movie files to convert.
5.Choose Convert.
If you selected one movie file, a filename dialog box appears allowing you to change the destination filename.
If you selected multiple movies files, the files are automatically converted. The Movie Convertor shortens the filename to eight characters and appends an .MMM filename extension.
If the conversion will overwrite an existing file, the Movie Convertor displays a message and allows you to change the filename or cancel the conversion.
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