Basic Command Set

In addition to the commands described previously, each device supports a set of commands specific to its device type. Although these commands are optional for a device, if a command is used it must support the options listed in this table as a minimum set of capabilities. Basic commands also support notify and wait as optional flags. You can add either or both of these flags to any basic command.

Command Arguments

load device_name {file_name}
pause device_name,  
play device_name [from position] [to position]
record device_name [from position] [to position] [insert | overwrite]
resume device_name,  
save device_name [file_name]
seek device_name {to position | to start | to end}
set device_name [audio all off | audio all on | audio left off | audio left on | audio right off | audio right on | video off | video on] [door closed | door open] [time format milliseconds | time format ms]
status device_name {current track | length | length track track_number | mode | number of tracks | position | position track track_number | ready | start position | time format}
stop device_name,