Parameter Names

Most parameter and local-variable names consist of a lowercase prefix followed by one or more capitalized words. The prefix indicates the general type of the parameter, while the words that follow describe the contents of the parameter. The standard prefixes used in parameter and variable names are defined as follows:

Prefix Description

b Boolean (a non-zero value specifies TRUE, zero specifies FALSE)
ch Character (a one-byte value)
dw Long (32-bit) unsigned integer
h Handle
l Long (32-bit) integer
lp Far pointer
np Near pointer
pt x and y coordinates packed into an unsigned 32-bit integer
rgb An RGB color value packed into a 32-bit integer
w Short (16-bit) unsigned integer


If no lowercase prefix is given, the parameter is a short integer with a descriptive name.

The following are some examples of parameter and variable names:

Parameter/Variable Description

bResult A boolean parameter
dwEvent A long, unsigned integer parameter
hWaveOut A handle to a waveform audio device
lParam A long integer parameter
wFlags A short, unsigned integer parameter