Animation and Movie Player Command Set

Animation and movie players support the following set of commands. These devices also support notify and wait as optional flags. You can add either or both of these flags to any animation command.

Command Arguments

capability device_name {can eject | can play | can record | can reverse | can save | can stretch | compound device | device type | fast play rate | has audio | has video | normal play rate | slow play rate | uses files | uses palettes | windows}
close device_name,  
info device_name [file | product | window text]
open device_name [alias device_alias] [nostatic] [parent hwnd] [shareable] [ style child | style overlapped | style popup] [type device_type]
pause device_name,  
play device_name [fast | slow | speed fps] [from position] [reverse] [to position] [scan]
put device_name { destination | destination at destination_rectangle | source | source at source_rectangle }
realize device_name {background | normal}
resume device_name,  
seek device_name [to position | to start | to end]
set device_name [audio all off | audio all on | audio left off | audio left on | audio right off | audio right on | video off | video on] [time format milliseconds | time format ms | time format frames]
status device_name {current track | forward | length | length track track_number | media present | mode | number of tracks | palette handle | position | position track track_number | ready | speed | start position | time format | window handle}
step device_name [by frames] [reverse]
stop device_name,  
update device_name [at update_rect] [hdc hdc]
where device_name {destination | source}
window device_name [handle window_handle | handle default] [state hide | state iconic | state maximized | state minimize | state minimized | state no action | state no activate | state normal | state show [text caption_text]