MIDI Input Messages

MIDI input messages are sent by audio device drivers to an application to inform the application about the status of MIDI input operations. By specifying flags with the midiInOpen function, applications may choose to have messages sent either to a window or to a low-level callback function. Use these messages to manage MIDI input:


Sent to a window when a MIDI input device is closed.


Sent to a window when a MIDI message is received by the device.


Sent to a window when an invalid MIDI message is received by the device.


Sent to a window when an invalid MIDI system exclusive message is received by the device.


Sent to a window when a MIDI system exclusive data buffer is filled and is being returned to the application.


Sent to a low-level callback function when a MIDI input device is opened.


Sent to a window when a MIDI input device is opened.


Sent to a low-level callback function when a MIDI input device is closed.


Sent to a low-level callback function when a MIDI message is received by the device. The parameters to this message include a timestamp specifying the time that the MIDI message was received.


Sent to a low-level callback function when an invalid MIDI message is received by the device.


Sent to a low-level callback function when an invalid MIDI system exclusive message is received by the device.


Sent to a low-level callback function when a MIDI system exclusive message is received by the device. The parameters to this message include a timestamp specifying the time that the MIDI message was received.