About MCI Device Types

Your application identifies an MCI device by specifying an MCI device type. A device type indicates the physical type of device. The following table lists the MCI device types currently defined:

Device Type Description

cdaudio CD audio player
dat Digital audio tape player
digitalvideo Digital video in a window (not GDI based)
MMMovie Multimedia movie player
other Undefined MCI device
overlay Overlay device (analog video in a window)
scanner Image scanner
sequencer MIDI sequencer
vcr Videotape recorder or player
videodisc Videodisc player
waveaudio Audio device that plays digitized waveform files

The system software includes device drivers and command sets for the device types that are fundamental to many multimedia presentations. The system software includes the following MCI device drivers:

Device Type Device Driver Description

cdaudio MCICDA.DRV An MCI device driver for controlling compact disc audio.
MMMovie MCIMMP.DRV An MCI device driver for playing multimedia movie files.
sequencer MCISEQ.DRV An MCI device driver for playing MIDI audio files.
videodisc MCIPIONR.DRV An MCI device driver for controlling the Pioneer LD-V4200 videodisc player.
waveaudio MCIWAVE.DRV An MCI device driver for playing and recording waveform audio files.

The [mci] section of the SYSTEM.INI file lists the device types installed in the system. If you have a particular device type installed more than once, the device type names in the SYSTEM.INI file have integers appended to them. This creates unique names for each MCI device type entry. For example, if the “cdaudio” device type is installed twice, the names “cdaudio” and “cdaudio1” are used to create unique names for each occurrence of the device type. Each name usually refers to a different CD audio player in the system.