
The following section explains the document conventions used throughout this manual:

Type Style Used For

bold Bold letters indicate a specific term intended to be used literally: functions (such as waveOutGetNumDevs), messages (such as WIM_OPEN), and structure fields (such as dwReturn). You must enter these terms exactly as shown.
italic Words in italics indicate a placeholder; you are expected to provide the actual value. For example, the following syntax for the timeGetSystemTime function indicates that you must substitute values for the lpTime and wSize parameters:
monospace Code examples are displayed in a monospaced typeface.
brackets [ ] Optional items.
Horizontal ellipsis . . . An ellipsis shows that one or more copies of the preceding item may occur. Brackets followed by an ellipsis means that the item enclosed within the brackets may occur zero or more times.
Angle brackets < > Indicates the name and position of a field within a file format definition.
Arrow – In a file format definition, the item to the left of the arrow is equivalent to the item to the right.