The MMPACTION structure contains information about a movie file script-channel command.
typedef struct tagMMPACTION {
BYTE bMenuItem;
BYTE bActionCode;
WORD wTextOffset;
The MMPACTION structure has the following fields:
Specifies the menu item number from the script-channel window.
Not used by Movie Player.
Specifies the offset of the script-channel text from the start of the action text block.
The action text is stored in packed format, without terminating NULL characters. To determine the length of an action-text entry, subtract the wTextOffset value of the action entry from the wTextOffset value of the next action entry in the list. The action-entry list contains one action entry beyond the count of action-code entries returned by the mmpGetInfo function. The wTextOffset value of the last MMPACTION structure indexes one byte beyond the end of the action-code text.
mmpGetInfo, mmpSetInfo