Displaying Images with the 256-Color High-Resolution Driver

A high-resolution 256-color driver (such as MMV7VGA.DRV for Video 7 display adapters, MMWD480.DRV for Paradise display adapters, and the Windows driver V7VGA.DRV) offers a resolution of 640-by-480 pixels with a color palette of 256 colors. By using this fine resolution and a configurable color palette, your appli-cations can reproduce the color of very detailed images.

Low-Resolution Images

Low-resolution images don't necessarily force the user to run the application with the low-resolution driver. Because the application is simply opening a 320-by-200 window with 8-bit color depth, high-resolution displays can display such an application in a 320-by-200 window on a standard 640-by-480 display. An application can also display these images in a larger window using either the StretchBlt or StretchDIBits functions. Images stretched using these functions can appear to have more grain than an unstretched image.

Gray-Scale and 16-Color Images

Images produced for either a 16-color display or gray-scale display transfer easily to a 256-color display. Of course, there is no enhancement to such an image.