Creating Module-Definition and Resource-Script Files

Be sure to export the ScreenSaverProc function and, if present, the ScreenSaverConfigureDialog function. The RegisterDialogClasses function is called by routines in the SCRNSAVE.LIB file, so you should not export it.

The DESCRIPTION line in your module-definition line must use the following format:

DESCRIPTION 'SCRNSAVE <config-info>:<description>'

Replace <config-info> with a lowercase x if your screen saver does not support configuration; otherwise, leave <config-info> blank. You can replace <description> with a short description of your screen saver; the <description> text appears in the Method box of the Screen Savers dialog box.

For example, a screen saver that paints the screen gray and does not support configuration might use the following DESCRIPTION line:

DESCRIPTION 'SCRNSAVE x:Paint the screen gray'

Your resource-script (.RC) file must contain an icon resource with the ID_APP identifier. This icon is displayed in the Screen Savers applet window when the screen saver is selected.

Also, if your screen saver includes a configuration routine, include a dialog-box template with the SCREENSAVERCONFIGURE identifier.