
One of the ways computers make people more productive is to provide tools that support the creative process. Word processors make writing easier by reducing the drudgery of typing and retyping. Paint and drawing programs enable non-artists to produce elegant illustrations. Better tools let you focus on the act of creation itself.

The Multimedia PC supports many different creative endeavors. The MIDI interface provides a link to music composition. The CD-ROM can store extensive amounts of information with which an artist can work. Huge libraries of generic multimedia objects will emerge from which multimedia producers can choose during development:

Audio clips (hit songs, classical, jazz, sound effects)

Clip art (icons, cartoons, figures, and graphs)

Photos (wire photos, nature scenes, famous people)

Boilerplate text (quotes, speeches, definitions)

Typefaces (for word processing and graphic design)

Multimedia PCs can be used to create and deliver desktop presentations for business, education, or even for home viewing. Incorporating the elements of multimedia enhances existing applications and creates entire new genres of tools for creative development.