Identifying the Audience

Understanding the audience is critical to the success of the title, as this definition drives nearly all aspects of the title's design. When you define the audience for your application you should ask yourself such questions as:

How much do they know about computers?

What information should the title provide?

How is the information presented useful?

How much work is the user willing to do to access this information?

How often will they need this information?

When they need information, do they need it immediately, or will they feel they can leisurely browse through the material?

Are images appropriate? Are sounds and music appropriate?

Asking these and other questions help to focus the discussions associated with the design process. When doing this exercise, try to identify everything possible about the subject, the data resources available, the software tools available for producing it, and the team necessary to produce it.

Now that you know your title's purpose and audience, you can define its structure.