Extended Animation Windows with Control Commands

The animation sequences illustrated in Chapter 4 simply played from beginning to end in an extended window. However, extended windows can offer more control over the playback of animation sequences. To control playback, simply use an animation control command in the display animation command.

The complete syntax for the display animation command is as follows:

!HAnimateCommand(hwndContext, qchPath, "animationfile", "control-command", "window title")

This form of the command is the same as the form shown in Chapter 4, except for the control command. If you just want the animation sequence to play from beginning to end, as in Chapter 4, the control command is "nocontrol". However, you can also enter the following control commands:

Command Description

"controlleft" "controlright" "controlcenter" These control commands display the animation sequence with a standard control panel (see “Animation Controls,” later in this chapter, for more information).
"looping" This control command plays the animation sequence over and over with no controls.<$\bcD\eclooping\bcD\ec animation control>