Viewer Topics

A title is made up of distinct units of information called topics. Each topic focuses on a specific concept or idea. A topic can include text, graphics, audio, and animation. The length of a topic is determined by its author.

The first topic that appears when the user opens a Viewer title is the contents topic. The contents topic acts as the home base from which all other topics are accessed. The user can at any time return to the contents topic by choosing the Contents button. The following illustration shows the contents topic for the sample title—USA Tour.

You can view the sample application by clicking on the USA Tour icon or running Viewer and opening the file USA.MVB. The first screen in the sample appears as follows:

If the information contained in a topic doesn't fit in the current window, use
the scroll bars, or use the UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW, PAGE UP, or PAGE DOWN keys
to move through the information displayed.