Creating a Title Subdirectory

Once you convert the text to Word for Windows format, you should create a directory for your title. Usually, you create this title directory as a subdirectory of the directory where you installed Viewer. Then create a subdirectory of the title directory to hold the RTF files.

This guide assumes Viewer is installed in a directory called \VIEWER. For the USA Tour sample title, you create a title directory called \VIEWER\USA. The subdirectory containing the RTF files for the sample is called \VIEWER\USA\NATEXT. This directory structure is shown in the fol-lowing illustration:

As you add pictures, sounds, and animation to your title, you should create a separate subdirectory within the project directory to hold each of these multimedia types. See “Tracking Multimedia Files” in Chapter 4, “Basic Multimedia Techniques,” for more information.


The CD-ROM standards prohibit the use of punctuation (such as periods or hyphens) or lower-case letters as either Viewer directory names or filenames. The only characters allowed for CD-ROM are A–Z, 0–9, and the underscore (_). For example, the filenames FILEONE.MVB and FILE_ONE.MVB can be used, but FILE-ONE.MVB and FILE-1.MVB cannot be used.