What Setup Does

SETUP.EXE copies any files required to play a title to the user's computer. It also changes the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and other initialization files so that the user can view the title. SETUP.EXE doesn't copy the actual title files (the .MVB, .IND, and multimedia files) to the user's computer. These files remain on the CD-ROM that contains the title.

Here is the standard procedure SETUP.EXE follows to install a Viewer title:

1.It sets up the title name (hard-coded in the SETUP.INF script), which appears in all windows SETUP.EXE displays to the user, and displays an introductory message.

2.It asks for the directory in which the user wants to install Viewer. Before installing Viewer, SETUP.EXE makes sure the disk has enough space for the installation.

3.It copies the Viewer files to the directory the user selected in step 2. If the title uses custom screen and printer fonts, SETUP.EXE also installs these files.

4.It adds Program Manager groups for the Viewer programs and title.

5.It makes any needed changes to the WIN.INI file for Windows and the VIEWER.INI file for Viewer. It also changes the path in the user's AUTOEXEC.BAT file so the user can run Viewer correctly.

At each stage of this procedure, SETUP.EXE displays appropriate messages to let the user know what is happening. It also displays messages if problems arise or if it stops the installation procedure for any reason.