Creating an Embedded Bitmap Window

To create an embedded bitmap window, enter one of the following commands in the topic where you want to display the bitmap:

{ewc MVBMP, ViewerBmp, bitmapfile}
{ewl MVBMP, ViewerBmp, bitmapfile}
{ewr MVBMP, ViewerBmp, bitmapfile}

Type the appropriate command exactly as shown, except for bitmapfile. For bitmapfile, type the name of the file containing the bitmap; make sure to include the path from the project directory to the bitmap.

These commands place the embedded window in the topic in much the same way as the bmc, bwl, and bwr commands:

The ewc (embedded window character) command places the window at the position where the command appears in the topic text. Text follows the window, positioned at the base of the window.

The ewl (embedded window left) command places the window along the left margin, with text wrapping automatically along the right edge of the image.

The ewr (embedded window right) command places the window at the right margin, with text to its left.

To make sure text wraps correctly around an embedded bitmap window, make sure each line of the text ends with a soft carriage return.

Embedded windows display much the same as the bitmaps shown in Chapter 4, “Basic Multimedia Techniques.”


To avoid palette problems, it is recommended that you display only one 256-color bitmap per topic in an embedded window, or make sure all bitmaps use the same palette.